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Summer Diet for Weight Loss

Summer Diet for Weight Loss

Switch to best weight loss diet this summer. You don’t need to starve yourself on a wacky fad diet if you want to look better in your shorts or swimsuit this summer.

The secret to weight loss is to choose healthy foods and take in fewer calories than you burn. And it’s just easier to make better food choices in summertime, when heavy, high-calorie dishes seem less appealing.

Summer Diet for Weight Loss

The best foods for weight loss in summer are light, refreshing and, most important, keep you out of the hot kitchen.

1. Chilled Soups for Weight Loss

Moores loves all kind of produce but says cold soups are among her favorite low-calorie dishes. Chilled soups like gazpacho or cucumber-dill that contain lots of chunky vegetables are a great way to start a meal.

“Research shows that a low-calorie, broth-based soup at the beginning of the meal will fill you so you eat less at the meal,” Moores says.

2. Watermelon

Who doesn’t love diving into a crisp, juicy slice of watermelon when it’s hot outside?

“Half of the watermelon comes from water,” Moores says. “It’s a wonderful way to satisfy thirst and a yen for something sweet.”

3. Grilled Veggies

For Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a plate of grilled vegetables is a summertime must-have. She recommends keeping a plate of grilled onions, bell peppers, zucchini, carrots, eggplant, asparagus, and garlic in your fridge. 

4. Salads

Salads make for quick, healthy meals — with no recipes required.

“Just give the produce a quick rinse; slice, dice, toss fruits, vegetables, low-fat cheese, a handful of toasted nuts with some salad greens and a light raspberry or ginger vinaigrette, along with a whole-grain roll, and you have a meal in minutes,” Moores says.

Or try bean or whole-grain salads, such as wheatberry and tabouli.

Moore suggests flavoring your salads with herbs from the garden so you can go light on the dressing. And when adding meats or fish to your salad, she says, “think of them as an accessory to the greens, vegetables, and grains.”

5. Low- and No-Calorie Beverages

Smoothies, sweetened specialty coffee drinks, sweetened teas, and sodas — they all go down so easily, especially when it’s hot outside. But the calories add up just as easily.

Sunlife pharmacy offers a wide range of weight loss supplements to help you.shred extra pounds.