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Skin Benefits of Farmona

Skin Benefits of Farmona

Popular skin products like Farmona have its unique advantages. A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use. While good quality products can help your skin look better now as well as in the future, poor quality products can be ineffective and even cause harm. In this blog you will learn more about the skin care product’s long term benefits and a detail introduction to Farmona.

Why is good skin care important?

Good skin care is important for the following reasons:

  • It helps your skin stay in good condition: You’re shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it’s important to keep your skin glowing and in good condition. An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best.
  • Your skin will look more youthful: As you age, your skin’s cells turn over more slowly, make it look duller and less radiant. Using a quality skin care line can help remove dead skin cells so your body will replace them with newer, more youthful cells.
  • Prevention is easier than correction: Preventing skin problems is easier -– and less costly – than trying to fix them in the future. 
  • Your self-confidence will get a boost: When your skin looks better, you’ll feel better about yourself and have more self-confidence.

What are some good skin care methods?

The following components can create a good, effective skin care routine:

  • Cleanser: Wash your face gently with a product designed for your face. If you have dry skin, you’ll want to choose a cleanser that doesn’t have alcohol, and if you have oily skin, look for an oil-free cleanser. Afterward, rinse with warm water.
  • Toner: Toner is used after washing your face, and it helps smooth and calm skin while restoring nutrients.
  • Moisturizer: Moisturizers should be used every time you wash your face, even if you have oily skin. If you have this type of skin, choose an oil-free or gel product.
  • Sunscreen: Even if your moisturizer has a sunscreen, it can still help to use a separate sunscreen every day, even if it’s cloudy. Choose one that provides broad-spectrum protection and has an SPF of at least 30.
  • Exfoliator: Exfoliators are optional and can be used after a cleanser but before a moisturizer. They should only be used a maximum of once or twice a week.
  • Serum: A serum can help address specific issues, such as redness.

What benefits do quality skin care products provide?

The following are some of the benefits of quality skin care products:

  • Quality ingredients: Similar to the benefits that healthy food provides for your body, quality skin-care ingredients can improve your skin.
  • Protection from environmental damage: such as pollution
  • Help fighting the effects of aging: such as wrinkles and sunspots
  • Results for the money: Even if quality products cost more in some cases, they’re worth the money. If you use ineffective products, you’re wasting money.
  • Exceeding standards: Quality skin care products are more refined, with fewer bacteria and impurities.

Why should you avoid poor quality skin care products?

Poor quality skin care products are more likely to cause the following negative effects:

  • Ineffective results
  • Infections
  • Allergic reactions such as rashes
  • Worsening problems by clogging pores, causing breakouts, etc.

To learn more about the importance of a good quality skin care line as well as what products would benefit you.

Introduction to Farmona 

Each skin is different. It may be of similar age, may have the same substances, but if they are in other percentage concen-tration, the skin should be given another type of care. That is why the idea of cosmetic personalization is so important. It gives the ability to match active ingredients to the skin’s individual needs. Specialists of FARMONANatural Cosmetics Laboratory have selected substances, which, thanks to the power of nature, provide spectacular effects .

MAGNOLIA STEM CELLS – delay the visible aging process, by the stimulation the skin cells to fibroblast production, protect them from damage and stimulate to regeneration. They prevent the formation of pigmentation marks, caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation.

BEARBERRY inhibits the excessive activity of tyrosinase and thereby reduces discoloration, brightens the skin, improves the skin’s resistance to stress, reduces the harmful effects of free radicals.

LIQUORICE regenerates the skin damaged by the excessive exposure to the sun, evens skin tone, stimulates the natural protective functions of the skin.

HYALURONIC ACID provides deep and long-lasting moisturization, improves firmness and elasticity of the skin, prevents transepidermal water loss, delays aging process, eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin, visibly rejuvenates, leaves the skin perfectly soft and radiant.

Specialist regenerating and protecting cream that perfectly responds to the needs of all skin types, protecting the skin from sun rays and alleviating irritations. It forms a gentle regenerating film on the skin, protecting it from sun rays. Recommended for daily protection from UV radiation and after cosmetic treatments affecting the epidermal barrier or other treatments requiring photo-protection.


  • PROTECTION –  provides very high protection from the harmful influence of UVA and UVB radiation – SPF50+. Prevents blemishes and skin irritations.
  • REGENERATION – stimulates natural epidermis regeneration system, strengthens natural skin barrier functions. Effectively soothes irritations and reduces redness;
  • ANTI-AGEING – prevents pre-mature ageing caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation.

Richness of Active Ingredients:

Beautiful hands are an important aspect of beauty, both for men and women. Silky skin and healthy, groomed nails should be a showcase for everyone. This is why effective cosmetic hand treatments are among the most sought after and most frequently chosen by clients of beauty parlours. The gifts of nature contained in the hand masks offered by FARMONA Natural Cosmetics Laboratory, such as argan oil, avocado, Noni extract, urea, silk proteins, coconut oil, almond extract, water lily extract, ceramides and milk phospholipids or honey extract make it easier for the cosmetologist to achieve the intended results. Intensive epidermal regeneration, improved firmness of the skin of the hands and its protection against premature ageing and the harmful effects of detergents and external factors are priorities for all products from this line.

Peeling is a prelude to body treatment. It exfoliates dead epidermis, increasing the absorption of active ingredients into its deeper layers. Improves skin firmness and cohesion. Supports lipo-reduction processes. It moisturises, nourishes and optimally oils the skin. Its role is also to stimulate blood microcirculation, to oxidise and energise the skin.

In their professional body peels FARMONA Natural Cosmetics Laboratory included sugar and salt crystals, rice, bamboo particles, strawberry seeds, poppy seeds, rice oil, cherry extract, almond oil, ginger extract, Aloe vera, cinnamon bark, coconut oil, vitamin E, Shea butter, beeswax, peeling particles from macadamia nut shells, and grated orange peel. Thanks to these ingredients, the products effectively even the skin surface, restoring its silky smoothness and gentleness.

Wrinkles occur first on the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. Dark shadows and swelling on the upper eyelid remove even the most beautiful gaze of its beauty.

How can one fight these defects?

FARMONA Natural Cosmetics Laboratory has such specialists for the eye area in the BEAUTY ACADEMY line as: hyaluronic acid, collagen, arnica, rice oil, chamomile extract, extracts of eyebright and cornflower, lingonberry, apricot, arnica, lemon and Ruscus. Due to the perfectly selected proportions of these ingredients, lymphostasis is eliminated, the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is visibly brightened and toned, and wrinkles are smoothed.

Each skin is different. It may be of similar age, may have the same substances, but if they are in other percentage concen-tration, the skin should be given another type of care. That is why, the idea of cosmetic personalization is so important. It gives the ability to match active ingredients to the skin’s individual needs. Specialists of FARMONA Natural Cosmetics Laboratory have selected substances, which, thanks to the power of nature, provide spectacular effects .

MAGNOLIA STEM CELLS – delay the visible aging process, by the stimulation the skin cells to fibroblast production, protect them from damage and stimulate to regeneration. They prevent the formation of pigmentation marks, caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation.

BEARBERRY inhibits the excessive activity of tyrosinase and thereby reduces discoloration, brightens the skin, improves the skin’s resistance to stress, reduces the harmful effects of free radicals.

LIQUORICE regenerates the skin damaged by the excessive exposure to the sun, evens skin tone, stimulates the natural protective functions of the skin.

HYALURONIC ACID provides deep and long-lasting moisturization, improves firmness and elasticity of the skin, prevents transepidermal water loss, delays aging process, eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin, visibly rejuvenates, leaves the skin perfectly soft and radiant.

Touch is one of the main human senses. Nowadays, with visual and aural perception being omnipresent, and often aggressive, we do not pay enough attention to touch, ignoring its immense significance, whereas in reality it provides comfort when the body or soul is in pain. It gives strength, combats fear, and warms us up when it’s cold. Touch enables close contact with other people in a world full of barriers and rights to one’s own space.

Massage originated from the discovery of the magic power of touch, and provides it with a therapeutic purpose. Combined with the richness of the natural active ingredients contained in specially developed products, massage stimulates the circulation, restores elasticity to stiff joints, relaxes excessively tense muscles, provides firmness and rejuvenation of the skin, cleanses away toxins, and demonstrates a positive effect on digestive tract or urinary-genital tract disorders. Thanks to massage, people with chronic diseases can rid themselves of pain, while regular treatments often contribute to complete recovery. During a massage, the emotional energy collected in muscular tension is released, which helps to stabilise the nervous system, restoring inner peace, optimism, cheerfulness, joy of life and the energy to act.

all the products in this category have specially developed formulas which provide perfect skin care to restore its natural beauty. They contain hypoallergenic aromatic compositions and natural ingredients, i.e. strawberry extract, Centella asiatica, passion fruit extract, Hydromanil®, Noni extract, macadamia oil, water lily and ivy extract, D-panthenol, vitamin E, rice oil, cherry extract, Shea butter, Hydromanil®, lotus, Aloe vera, and coconut oil.

The delicate texture and beautiful scents of the body lotions and butters intensify the effects of cosmetic treatments. Inulin, a natural prebiotic from chicory root soothes and calms irritations, as well as protects against the harmful effects of the sun and wind.

Due to the exceptional formulas of the products in this category, based on active ingredients such as ceramides, Shea butter, silk proteins, coconut oil, urea, D-panthenol, water lily extract and vitamin E, they are ideally effective when immediate results are needed. Intensive moisturising and softening of the hand skin, regeneration of its hydrolipid mantle, protection against the harmful effects of external factors or maceration and excessive drying in extreme conditions. Thanks to their cashmere texture, the products spread perfectly and are quickly absorbed.

Line is great for daily care of dry hand skin, requiring regeneration. Argan oil and avocado regenerate the hydrolipid coat, rejuvenating and firming hand skin. Urea softens intensively and aloe soothes irritation. Silk proteins create a firm on the skin, protecting it against adverse atmospheric factors and detergents. The serum leaves the hands cashmere soft and smooth.

Line is great for daily care of dry hand skin, requiring regeneration. Argan oil and avocado regenerate the hydrolipid coat, rejuvenating and firming hand skin. Urea softens intensively and aloe soothes irritation. Silk proteins create a firm on the skin, protecting it against adverse atmospheric factors and detergents. The serum leaves the hands cashmere soft and smooth.

Using a cream at the end of the care treatment allows the effects of the procedure to be prolonged significantly. This is why choosing and applying the right product is so important. FARMONA Natural Cosmetics Laboratory uses active ingredients of the highest quality, so it is easy to achieve a great improvement resulting from rehydration, regeneration and normalisation of the sebaceous gland activity.

For professional Home Feet Care

Indication: For daily care of active feet, antibacterial prophylaxis.

Effect: Silver ions and zinc oxide provide effective antibacterial protection for feet. Alum is antiseptic and eliminates unpleasant odours. Sage extract tones and refreshes. The cream leaves feet soft and smooth. Owing to its light texture, it is completely absorbed.

Long term benefits of skin care 

Most of us on average apply 10 different beauty products onto our skin every day. And yet we often undervalue the importance of finding out the ingredients present in these products. This is mainly due to the fact that most of us are not aware that skin is the largest organ of our body, and that 60% of whatever we apply on our skin gets absorbed into our body – creating a lasting impact.

However, with rising awareness amongst health enthusiasts worldwide, more and more people are switching to organic and natural skincare products, owing to the remarkable benefits natural skin products offer. So, we thought it’s worth discovering the long-term benefits of using 100% natural

skin products, and took a deep dive into the world of natural skincare, discovering some amazing results for you. Let’s begin, shall we?

Zero Side-effects

The skin is the most sensitive organ of our body and also the most vital one. The first step towards skin wellness begins with protecting our skin from external factors and not harming it due to our own negligence. We as a species have co-evolved with nature and hence natural ingredients easily get

absorbed in our skin, while ingredients made of complex chemical substances found in most skincare products are not easily accepted by the body. Due to this, our skin reacts negatively and causes rashes, redness, acne, and irritation amongst several other disorders. Skincare products made of pure and natural ingredients create miraculous effects when applied in a long term, with no stress of developing any harmful side effects or allergies.

Radiant and Glowy Skin

Nature is filled with innumerable gifts for mankind. And skincare products made with ingredients sourced directly from nature help us achieve the perfect skin that we all wish for. This becomes possible because these ingredients meet the same criteria as that of organic food. So, no synthetic

formulas, no complex chemicals, and no artificial fragrance. Instead, natural skincare products are made with effective natural ingredients such as aloe vera, hydrogenated castor oil (castor wax), pharmaceutical grade castor oil, coconut oil, turmeric, sandalwood, rose water, etc. These ingredients, when included in our daily skincare routine, end up eliminating all skin woes, giving us radiant, glowy, and healthy skin.

Prevents Premature Skin Ageing

Ageing is a natural process and so is skin degeneration as we grow older. However, premature ageing of the skin is an alarming sign reflective of severe underlying disorders. Hence, prevention of premature skin ageing is a necessary and important step one should take as soon as possible. Though there are several products available in the market to fight anti-ageing of the

skin, and some of them do also work, they bring with them a number of harmful and toxic chemicals. Natural skincare products, on the other hand, work more harmonically with our bodies and alleviate premature ageing without exposing our skin to potentially problematic substances. Jojoba Oil and Quinoa face-pack, amongst many other options, have been found to be very effective to prevent premature ageing of the skin.

Improves Overall Health & Well-being

We don’t think twice before trying out the new, ‘cooler’ skin care product which everyone can’t stop raving about. However, if we just turn the product pack to its back side, read out the ingredients and look up their properties online, we’re most likely to get the shock of our lifetime. Most beauty and skin products contain chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulphate, phthalates and parabens. These chemicals have the potential to damage our core health by adversely affecting our reproductive, endocrine and immune system. Using natural skin care products does not hamper our core health and in fact improves the functioning of our body, as the body recognizes natural ingredients as nutrition. Natural ingredients also improve moisture retention, encourage cell regeneration, and don’t affect the immune system negatively.

Truly Sustainable

The ingredients found in natural skin products are extracted directly from nature. Hence, when it comes to the disposal of skin products, natural skin products are easily biodegradable. These products also produce less waste, thus easing out the disposal process. Moreover, natural skin products are not tested on animals before being rolled out for us to use, so they are cruelty-free.

By opting for natural skin care products, we get a chance to repair and heal the environment through our conscious actions, in addition to healing our skin and body.

In a Nutshell

With benefits as profound as canvassed above, making the switch to natural skin care products seems ideal – both for us Humans and for the Environment. And while initially it may feel like an expensive switch to make moneywise, the long term and ever-lasting benefits of using natural skin products eventually make it a much more economically wiser option.


If you only care for your skin once a week or less, you likely won’t obtain any notable benefits from it. However, a consistent skin care routine that cleanses and hydrates your skin every day will eventually provide you with all of the aforementioned benefits. When your skin looks healthy and clean, your confidence will almost certainly be higher than it was before you took care of your skin. You will love what you see in the mirror, the best You!